Wednesday, November 18, 2015



In order to understand certain things, many things actually, we must keep in mind that everyone has different opinions about everything and someone's perception may not be the same as someone else's. I am making this blog to explain how people perceive the same type of profession, in this case engineering, differently and how they do not all have the same views.


           As an engineering student it is a fact that it requires a lot of studying and learning and preparing yourself for when you are ready to get a job in your field. With this being said, your friends may think you are a bit of a bookworm and cannot do anything with your life because you are too busy studying. But we all know that if you manage your time right you may be able to squeeze in some recreational time.
           When I first told my mom I wanted to be an electrical engineer she looked at me in shock as if I had told her something horrible. She proceeded to tell me that she does not want me to work with strong electrical currents because it is dangerous and I could die. I then had to explain to her that just because I may be dealing with electrical currents does not mean I will instantly get electrocuted and die. With what my mom told me, I understood that she may think it is a super dangerous profession and will probably be worrying.
           As I was growing up I would always hear people say that doctors, lawyers, and engineers all make a nice paycheck. Whenever a lot of money is involved, people seem to remember that particular part of the conversation whatever it may be. This led me to understand that aside from the fact that these three professions help a lot of people, society tends to look at them as big money makers and rich people. 
           All types of engineers are mostly designing and coming up with ideas to improve certain tasks used in everyday settings. Sometimes these ideas can be crazy or seem impossible to create but that is the process of designing and creating basically anything new that has never been seen or used before. 

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